

发布时间:2022-12-01 作者:
晓神龙翼龙 Aurorazhdarcho (新属)
最早 晓神龙翼龙 Aurorazhdarcho primordius (新种)
翼龙目 Pterosauria
翼手龙亚目 Pterodactyloidea
神龙翼龙超科 Azhdarchoidea
德国南部Solnhofen Limestone晚侏罗世(早提塘阶)最古老的神龙翼龙类
The oldest azhdarchoid pterosaur from the Late Jurassic (Early Tithonian) of Southern Germany
Eberhard Frey, Christian A. Meyer and Helmut Tischlinger
Based on an almost complete three-dimensionally preserved skeleton, a new genus and species of an azhdarchoid pterosaur Aurorazhdarcho primordius n.gen. n.sp. from the Late Jurassic Solnhofen limestone (Early Tithonian) of the Eichstätt area (Bavaria, Germany) is described. Furthermore, a new family the Protazhdarchidae is proposed. The specimen is attributed to the Azhdarchoidea based on its glenoid fossa level with the sternum, the shovel-like shape of the sternal plate, the wide furca of the coracoid, the metacarpus being longer than radius and ulna, the femur being 1/3 longer than the humerus, the femorotibial ratio, and the hammer-shaped humerus among other diagnostic features. Under UV-light, soft tissue preservation around the external mould of the head is visible. It consists of tiny flakes possibly remnants of skin. The dorsally curved outline of the external mould of the head suggests the presence of a cranial crest. The new species is the oldest record of the azhdarchoid pterosaurs. It supports the Eurasian origin of this group that includes the largest flying animal ever.
晓神龙翼龙 Aurorazhdarcho 。。。
微小翼龙 Microtuban (新属)
高飞 微小翼龙 Microtuban altivolans  (新种)
分类:翼龙目 Pterosauria
翼手龙亚目 Pterodactyloidea
神龙翼龙超科 Azhdarchoidea
A new azhdarchoid pterosaur from the Cenomanian (Late Cretaceous) of Lebanon
Ross A. Elgin and Eberhard Frey
A new pterosaur, Microtuban altivolans gen. et sp. nov., is described from the Sannine Formation of northern Lebanon. The specimen is the first pterosaur from the Early Cenomanian (Late Cretaceous) locality of Hjoûla and is regarded as the most complete pterosaur fossil discovered from Africa. While postcranial characters indicate a possible relationship with members of the Thalassodromidae or Chaoyangopteridae, the specimen possesses an exceptionally short wing-finger phalanx 4, forming only 1.1% of the total length of the wing-finger. Its appearance along with an unnamed ornithocheiroid from the slightly younger locality of Hâqel suggests that a number of pterosaur taxa existed within the local area, perhaps living on exposed carbonate platforms.
微小翼龙 Microtuban 。。。
纳瓦霍翼龙 Navajodactylus (新属)
波氏 纳瓦霍翼龙 Navajodactylus boerei (新种)
翼龙目 Pterosauria
翼手龙亚目 Pterodactyloidea
神龙翼龙超科 Azhdarchoidea
Navajodactylus boerei, n.gen., n.sp. (Pterosauria, ?Azhdarchidae) from the Upper Cretaceous Kirtland Formation (Upper Campanian) of New Mexico
Navajodactylus boerei gen. et sp. nov. is a new ?azhdarchid pterosaur from the Upper Cretaceous Kirtland Formation (Hunter Wash Member), San Juan Basin, New Mexico. The holotype consists of the proximal portion of a right 1st wing phalanx with a fused extensor tendon process. Comparison to other named and unnamed pterosaurs indicates that the morphology of the extensor tendon process can be used to differentiate pterosaur taxa. Navajodactylus boerei is characterized by having a well-developed extensor tendon process that covers 75% of the proximal articulation surface of the 1st wing phalanx, with a pronounced dorsal boss on the superior margin of the dorsal cotyle, and it has a shallow, open extensor tendon process saddle. The arc of metacarpal IV is large and occupies more than 50% of the proximal area of the dorsal cotyle on the extensor tendon process.
Navajodactylus boerei is a component of the Hunter Wash local fauna (Kirtlandian land-vertebrate age [LVA]), which is approximately 75 Ma (late Campanian). This age date is based on the stratigraphic position of the type locality which lies below ash 2, dated at 74.44 Ma, and above ash DEP, dated at 75.56 Ma. Navajodactylus boerei is also identified among the pterosaur material recovered from the the Dinosaur Park Formation, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta, Canada. This material is late Judithian LVA and is dated approximately 76-75.3 Ma, an age slightly older than the age of the holotype.
纳瓦霍翼龙Navajodactylus ...
澳洲翼龙 Aussiedraco (新属)
莫氏 澳洲翼龙 Aussiedraco molnari (新种)
翼龙目 Pterosauria
翼手龙亚目 Pterodactyloidea
鸟掌翼龙超科 Ornithocheiroidea
Short note on a Pteranodontoid pterosaur (Pterodactyloidea) from western Queensland, Australia
Alexander W.A. Kellner; Taissa Rodrigues; Fabiana R. Costa
Flying reptiles from Australia are very rare, represented mostly by isolated bones coming from the Early Cretaceous (Albian) Toolebuc Formation, which crops out in western Queensland. Among the first pterosaur specimens discovered from this deposit is a mandibular symphysis that some authors thought to have a particular affinity to species found in the Cambridge Greensand (Cenomanian) of England. It was further referred as a member of or closely related to one of the genera Ornithocheirus, Lonchodectes or Anhanguera. Here we redescribe this specimen, showing that it cannot be referred to the aforementioned genera, but represents a new species of Pteranodontoid (sensu Kellner 2003), here named Aussiedraco molnari gen. et sp. nov. It is the second named pterosaur from Australia and confirms that the Toolebuc deposits are so far the most important for our understanding of the flying reptile fauna of this country.
澳洲翼龙 Aussiedraco
巴博萨翼龙 Barbosania (新属)
长吻 巴博萨翼龙 Barbosania gracilirostris (新种)
翼龙目 Pterosauria
翼手龙亚目 Pterodactyloidea
鸟掌翼龙超科 Ornithocheiroidea
鸟掌翼龙科 Ornithocheiridae
A new ornithocheirid, Barbosania gracilirostris gen. et sp. nov. (Pterosauria, Pterodactyloidea) from the Santana Formation (Cretaceous) of NE Brazil
Ross A. Elgin and Eberhard Frey
An almost complete, ornithocheirid pterosaur from the Romulado Member of the Santana Formation, NE Brazil is described. The specimen lacks a rostral and dentary median sagittal crest and is sufficiently distinct from other crestless taxa to warrant the erection of a new genus and species, Barbosania gracilirostris gen. et sp. nov. It confirms the absence of a crest as a genuine condition rather than a consequence of ontogenetic immaturity and indicates a shift from the previously observed pattern of suture closure in pterodactyloid pterosaurs, where partial fusion of the extensor tendon process has occurred at a relatively small size. Several specimens showing morphology similar to Brasileodactylus may instead be more closely allied to B. gracilirostris.
巴博萨翼龙 Barbosania ...
尖头翼龙 Cuspicephalus (新属)
斯卡菲氏 尖头翼龙 Cuspicephalus scarfi (新种)
翼龙目 Pterosauria
英国多塞特郡(晚侏罗世,启莫里支阶)Kimmeridge Clay组新单窗孔翼龙类翼龙
A new monofenestratan pterosaur from the Kimmeridge Clay Formation (Upper Jurassic, Kimmeridgian) of Dorset, England
David M. Martill and Steve Etches
A new specimen of slender skulled monofenestratan pterosaur from the Late Jurassic Kimmeridge Clay Formation of Dorset, UK, is referred to the new genus and species Cuspicephalus scarfi. The dentition and posterior skull morphology suggest affinities with Darwinopterus, but a close relationship cannot be proved. There are also some similarities with the pterodactyloid Germanodactylus cristatus, but the presence of teeth on the distal rostrum excludes it from that genus. Pterosaur remains are rare in the Upper Jurassic of the UK and this specimen represents the first significant cranial remains of a pterosaur from the Kimmeridge Clay Formation, and possibly the first non-pterodactyloid monofenestratan outside China.
尖头翼龙 Cuspicephalus

A Cuspicephalus scarfi
B, Darwinopterus modularis
C, Kunpengopterus sinensis;
D, Germanodactylus cristatus and
E, Pterorhynchus wellnhoferi.
A, Cuspicephalus scarfi;
B, Darwinopterus robustodens;
C, Darwinopterus linglongtaensis;
D,Kunpengopterus sinensis;
E, Pterodactylus antiquus;
F, Germanodactylus cristatus;
G, Gnathosaurus subulatus;
H, ‘Germanodactylus’ rhamphastinus.
粗齿 达尔文翼龙Darwinopterus robustodens (新种)
翼龙目 Pterosauria
A New Darwinopterid Pterosaur from the Middle Jurassic of Western Liaoning, Northeastern China and its Ecological Implications
Junchang LÜ, Li XU, Huali CHANG, Xingliao ZHANG
A new species of Darwinopterus, D. robustodens sp. nov. is described and named. Based on the new specimen, the diagnostic characters of Darwinopterus are amended and include: rostral dentition composed of well-spaced, spike-like teeth; the longest teeth are confined to the anterior half of the tooth row; tooth alveoli have raised margins; nasoantorbital fenestra confluent; inclined quadrate; elongate cervical vertebrae with low neural spine and reduced or absent ribs; long tail of more than 20 caudals partially enclosed by filiform extensions of the pre- and postzygapophyses; short metacarpus less than 60 per cent length of humerus, fifth toe with two elongate phalanges and curved second pedal phalanx of the fifth toe with the angle between the proximal and distal segments about 130 degrees. The complete specimen of the new pterosaur D. robustodens sp. nov. provides much more osteological information. The differences in tooth morphologies between Darwinopterus modularis and D. robustodens sp. nov. suggest that they filled different ecological niches. The hard integument-bearing Coleoptera may have been the main food source of Darwinopterus robustodens.
粗齿 达尔文翼龙 Darwinopterus robustodens
剑头翼龙Gladocephaloideus (新属)
井冈山 剑头翼龙Gladocephaloideus jingangshanensis  (新种)
翼龙目 Pterosauria
翼手龙亚目 Pterodactyloidea
梳颌翼龙超科 Ctenochasmatoidea
A new ctenochasmatoid pterosaur from the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation of western Liaoning, China
Junchang Lü , Qiang Ji, Xuefang Wei, Yongqing Liu
A new ctenochasmatoid pterosaur, Gladocephaloideus jingangshanensis gen. et sp. nov. from the Yixian Formation of western Laioning Province is erected based on a complete skull and partial postcranial skeleton. It is characterized by following features: about 50 total teeth with sharp tips; small nasoantorbital opening, occupying approximately 13% of the skull length; ratio of prenarial length to skull length approximately 0.63. The diagnoses of the Ctenochasmatoidea and Gallodactylidae are amended based on the new taxon. Gladocephaloideus jingangshanensis is the first gallodactylid pterosaur found in Asia. Its discovery not only provides much more osteological information about the Gallodactylidae but also indicates that the ctenochasmatoid pterosaurs were highly diverse in the Early Cretaceous. The filamentous structures preserved near the dorsal and posterior margins of the posterior portion of the skull and around the neck indicate that it had an epidermal covering and may have been a warm-blooded animal.
虑齿翼龙 Pterofiltus (新属)
邱氏 虑齿翼龙 Pterofiltus qiui  (新种)
翼龙目 Pterosauria
翼手龙亚目 Pterodactyloidea
梳颌翼龙超科 Ctenochasmatoidea
A new ctenochasmatid pterosaur from the Lower Cretaceous, western Liaoning, China
Shunxing Jiang; Xiaolin Wang
A nearly complete skull of a new ctenochasmatid pterosaur, Pterofiltus qiui gen. et sp. nov., from the Lower Cretaceous deposits of Liaoning, China, is described here. The specimen (IVPP V12339), was collected from the shale of the lower Yixian Formation (125 Ma) at the Zhangjiagou locality. It has the following combination of characters: about 112 teeth in total (including the upper and lower jaws); the dentition occupies more than 50% of the skull length; the anterior teeth vary in size; the mandibular symphysis is longer than half of the whole mandible length; in ventral view, an apparent symphyseal trough in the median part of the symphysis.
建昌翼龙 Jianchangopterus (新属)
赵氏 建昌翼龙 Jianchangopterus zhaoianus (新种)
翼龙目 Pterosauria
喙嘴翼龙亚目 Rhamphorhynchoidea
喙嘴翼龙科 Rhamphorhynchidae
掘颌龙亚科 Scaphognathinae
A New Rhamphorhynchid Pterosaur (Pterosauria) from the Middle Jurassic Tiaojishan Formation of Western Liaoning, China
Junchang LÜ, Xue BO
A new Sordes-like pterosaur Jianchangopterus zhaoianus gen. et sp. nov. is erected based on a almost complete skeleton with skull preserved. It is characterized by the following characters: seven and six pairs of upper jaw and lower jaw teeth respectively; the development of a recess on maxilla; the evenness of the dental margin in lateral view; a distinct central ridge along dorsal surface of the mandibular symphysis; wing phalanx 4 with strongly curved shaft approximately 96% the length of the wing phalanx 1. The discovery of a Sordes-like pterosaur Jianchangopterus, and other taxa from the same formation indicates that pterosaurs reached great diversities during the Middle to Upper Jurassic period.
建昌颌龙 Jianchangnathus (新属)
强壮 建昌颌龙Jianchangnathus robustus (新种)
翼龙目 Pterosauria
喙嘴翼龙亚目 Rhamphorhynchoidea
喙嘴翼龙科 Rhamphorhynchidae(掘颌龙类翼龙科Scaphognathidae)
掘颌龙亚科 Scaphognathinae
A new scaphognathid pterosaur from western Liaoning, China
Xin Cheng, Xiaolin Wang, Shunxing Jiang & Alexander W.A. Kellner
A partial skeleton of a new pterosaur, Jianchangnathus robustus gen. et sp. nov. from western Liaoning, China, is described. The specimen (IVPP V16866) was collected near Linglongta, Jianchang County, whose deposits have a disputed age that range from Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous. The new species shares several features with the non-pterodactyloid Scaphognathus from the Late Jurassic deposits of southern Germany, such as a deep anterior end of the lower jaw, a piriform lower temporal fenestra with the ventral margin broader than the dorsal one and the interalveolar spacing of the maxillary teeth about three alveolar spaces, allowing its allocation to the Scaphognathidae. The main diagnostic features of J. robustus include the large maxillary process of the jugal, the convex alveolar margin of the lower jaw and the procumbent disposition of the first three pairs of dentary teeth. The new Chinese taxon also differs from Fenghuangopterus lii, which comes from the same deposit and is here regarded as Scaphognathidae incertae sedis, mainly by the lower number of teeth and several proportions of the wing elements. The discovery of J. robustus demonstrates a larger diversity in the pterosaur fauna of the Linglongta region so far dominated by the non-pterodactyloid clade Wukongopteridae.
建昌颌龙 Jianchangnathus
